Our team of professionals have the knowledge and experience to provide you with quality carpentry projects in Southampton and the surrounding areas.


0800 4880 372

PW Carpentry are your local experts for all carpentry services in Southampton & the surrounding areas.

Our team of professionals have been operating in the industry for many years. Within this time we have been able to perfect a process that is stress-free and simple. You will find that our team can design, plan and create any carpentry project that you have in mind. Only ever using the best quality materials, our carpentry services in Southampton will last for years to come.

Through dedication and hard work, our professionals have been able to earn a reputation for their quality services. Our carpenters have been able to earn many repeat customers, constantly coming back to them for their exceptional carpentry in Southampton.

Get in touch with our team today for more information and see how we can help.

Providing the best carpentry services in Southampton.

Call our team for bespoke Carpentry in Southampton & the surrounding areas.

Get in touch with our team of professionals today for more information on any of our services and to arrange a free no-obligation quotation. Use either of the phone number below to talk to one of our experts today.

0800 4880 372

07711 847 173

PW Carpentry Logo

Customer Service

At PW Carpentry, we take our customer service incredibly seriously. We are ready to adapt our service around you and your family, adjusting our service to fit your needs and cause as little disruption as possible. Due to this commitment, we have earned many repeat customers that consistently come to us for our carpentry services in Southampton.

Take a moment to have a look through our reviews from a few of our existing customers and see the reputation our team have earned themselves.

Fitted a new fire door - excellent service, good quality work, very helpful.
- Simon BH24